Your Solid Waste System Management and Compliance Experts

Solid Waste System Development & Management

Compliance Consulting

Contractor, Facility & Financial Audits

Complete SB 1383 Solutions

CityGreen Connect Online Platform and Records Storage

Let's face it, your solid waste franchise is one of the largest and most valuable contracts a local government issues. The firms you contract with are experts in what they do so it is vital you have an expert on your team. We have been that expert for clients from coast-to-coast since 1991. Being based in California, we regularly deal with the most stringent environmental regulations in the Country. Whatever your compliance challenge we can meet it head-on in a cost-effective and common sense manner.


Leveraging software and data analytics to optimize system management efficiency and regulatory compliance is the next evolution in service to local governments. We are constantly developing and improving web based tools to monitor and track waste management systems and compliance activities for our clients.


We are innovators, having developed one of the first multiple-hauler systems to achieve full compliance with California's landfill avoidance mandate (AB 939). We started food waste recycling at the Disneyland Resort in the mid-1990s. We assisted the first jurisdiction in California to achieve 100% compliance with mandatory recycling (AB 341) and mandatory food waste recycling (AB 1826). Our solutions are tailored to our clients and designed to produce exceptional results.


We solve problems and develop systems that work for all stakeholders. Sustainable solutions are smart solutions that continue to meet and exceed client expectations. We have created waste management systems that have been in place for 30+ years and are still performing as intended, to the ongoing benefit of our clients and the environment.

SB 1383 | Mandatory Organic Waste Recycling

Looking to Efficiently Comply with California's SB 1383?

CityGreen Consulting has followed SB 1383 since its passage in 2016 and throughout the development of its many regulations. We have helped local governments in assessing current compliance and formulating their plan of action. As a result we have updated numerous solid waste ordinances, revised or developed new franchise agreements, developed permit systems, created or revised procurement policies, conducted a full range of technical assistance programs to organic waste generators, and developed in-house programs and monitoring and enforcement protocols for local jurisdictions.

How it Works

In most cases our clients know the problem they face and are looking for an effective solution. The "Green" in CityGreen stands for managing financial as well as natural resources. We develop affordable and sustainable solutions. Often we are able to create revenues to help our clients manage compliance challenges.

Step 1


We welcome the opportunity to meet and see where we can help. We will respond to RFP and RFQ solicitations but love the opportunity to earn your business by showing what we can do with a small scope of work on a specific challenge you face.

Step 2

Personalized Solution

We develop solutions that fit your specific needs. Nothing more, nothing less. We won't fix what is working well. We will focus on developing a solution to provide maximum benefit in a cost-effective manner. That's why our clients stay with us. Some for over 30 years.

Step 3

Peace of Mind

We produce a solution that works. Our clients typically have multiple responsibilities and we pride ourselves on giving them one less thing to worry about.

Let's See Where We Can Help

We'd love an opportunity to see if our services can solve a pressing problem for you or handle ongoing challenges in a better or more cost effective manner.

Serving Local Governments Since 1991

Our success is your success. We've been providing personalized support for cities, counties, and special districts for over 30 years.